
Working together to save money

Farm Buyer Club, putting you in control


Working together to save money

Farm Buyer Club, putting you in control


Farm Buyer Club has teamed up with Lycetts insurance brokers

Giving members a viable option when looking to insure farms, rural businesses, vehicles, houses etc.

A bit about Lycetts:

  • Over 60 years’ experience in arranging rural insurances
  • Insuring farms and rural businesses throughout the UK
16 offices throughout England, Scotland and Wales
  • Top 50 UK Insurance Broker
  • Independently run
  • Members of the team directly involved in agriculture
  • Part of The Benefact Group who give all available profits to charity – fourth largest corporate donor to charity in the UK
Lycetts aim is to provide an unrivalled service and claims handling, coupled with a comprehensive and competitively priced insurance programme.

If you are interested in a quotation for your farm or other policies please complete the below enquiry form or give us a call on 01423 320360.

For the Lycetts Privacy Policy click here.

What can you insure through the Club?







Small Holdings


contact us to discuss Insurance


* required fields

Lycett, Browne-Swinburne & Douglass Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Lycetts is a trading name of Lycetts Financial Services Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary company of Lycett, Browne-Swinburne & Douglass Ltd. Lycetts Financial Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.